Brain activity assessments
It is a well-known fact that the human brain produces electric waves. Brain waves influence neurotransmitters production that determine our mental and physical states, mood, behaviour and performance in all areas of our life. If brain produces certain brain waves we feel happy, sharp and productive, willing to engage in social activities and connect with others and the World. That combination of the brain waves called “peak performance combo”. We record brain activity in a real time in resting and active (cognitive tasks and stress simulation) states in order to understand what kind of neuropsychological profile our clients have and what prevent them from the peak performance.
We offer 3 brain mapping options various in depth of research and complexity:
1. Basic qEEG (2 hours) which includes EEG recording, raw file reading and interpretation, quantification. This option allows to understand your neurological phenotype, main neurological patterns and trauma markers to select the right neurotherapy protocol for stress/anxiety/brain fog reduction, sleep improvement, neuroplasticity boost (the ability of the brain to change through learning) or brain rejuvenation.
2. Extended qEEG + independent component analysis + neuropsychological evaluation (3-4 hours). This option would allow to understand how your brain works on a deeper level, identify locations of abnormalities to the millimetre through low resolution electro-magnetic tomography, match neurological markers to your psychological (cognitive and behavioural) unique portrait and come up with your personalized therapy program as well as supporting neuromodulation protocols.
3. 360-degree extended brain research + 360 degree psychological evaluation + lifestyle assessment. This option includes extended qEEG + independent component analysis, ERP (event related potential research), connectivity analysis, power-power coupling analysis, hubs and networks analysis, audial and visual information processing analysis, decision making, stress tolerance, and cognitive stamina analysis. As a result of this research, you will get precise understanding of all the strengths and weaknesses of your brain as well as strategic and tactical recommendations how to improve your mental, cognitive, physical, and social performance.
What is the difference between a Brain Map, qEEG and an EEG
This one of the most common question we answer daily.
EEG is a technical way to acquire, record, and analyze brain electrical activity. qEEG is a quantified by special software tools EEG record and interpretation of the quantification. Brain Map is a comprehensive scientific research of the particular brain during various mental and physical states based on which our experts formulate a bespoke strategy and a therapeutic plan.