Course outline:
Day 1 Everything about stress. Cynical view on tragic things.
What is stress (mental, physical and behavioural symptoms)
Common causes and consequences of stress
Why we can’t “switch it off”
Human brain and stress
Why your brain makes you suffer (evolutionary view on anxiety, depression, low motivation and decreased productivity)
Basic stress response (fight, flight, freeze)
When panic attacks!
SOS practical exercise to overcome panic attacks
Day 2 Hack your brain for stress-free living
Why we feel the stress (evolutionary view)
Is it possible to change the stress response?
Neuroplasticity main principles
Types of anxiety
Determine your anxiety patterns
Overcome fight response (practical exercise)
Overcome flight response (practical exercise)
Unfreeze and smile (practical exercise)
Day 3 Strong for too long (intellectual anxiety)
Left hemisphere based (“logical type”) anxiety (worry, anticipation, fear, obsessive thoughts)
Determine your “logical type” anxiety tendencies (obsessions, ruminations, anxious negativity)
How to overcome complex intellectual anxiety
“Safe haven” (practical exercise)
Rumination STOP! (practical exercise)
Day 4 Free your creativity
Right hemisphere based anxiety
Identify your “creative type” anxiety tendencies (negative daydreaming, cognitive fusion, catastrophizing)
How to overcome complex “creative type” anxiety
Use your senses (practical exercise)
Self-awareness techniques (practical exercise)
Day 5 Transcend your mammalian negativity
What is happiness?
Meet your happy chemicals
Meet the killer
How to become happier
Restructure your thoughts (ABC model – practical exercise)
Why love and kindness is good for your health and business (cynical view on human values)
Benefits of the course
how to stop anxiety
90% of the things we are worried about never happen.
Oprah Winfrey
1. Creates a healthy, harmonious corporate culture
2. Dramatically reduces stress
3. Boosts motivation, productivity, creativity
4. Balances relationships
6. Creates a friendly collaborative atmosphere
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